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This adorable Jack-o-Lantern pail is the perfect Halloween gift basket for a student or older child who is too old to Trick or Treat, but still enjoys candy and treats. This fun metal pail with a Halloween design is brimming with full Size Mars, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Starburst, Hershey with almonds, Combo snack mix, Snickers, Kit Kat, snack size Doritos, cheese sticks and Lays potato chips, Pringles, a bag of caramel corn, and 6 Ghirardelli chocolate squares. Contact Gift Baskets 4U today for all of your Canadian gift baskets!
This is the perfect gift basket to send to your grandchildren, nieces and nephews who are far away on Halloween! Send a fun trick or treat pail full of goodies to them and let them know you wish them a Happy Halloween! Inside they will find Halloween size potato chips, Doritos, cheesies, Swedish Fish, Swedish Berries, Sour Patch treats, as well as Full size Good N Plenty, Skittles, and candy Rockets. Let Gift Baskets 4U take care of all the details this Halloween for your loved ones, with Canada-wide shipping right to their door as well.
This great Halloween gift basket takes care of the trick-or-treating for them! Inside this festive jack-o-lantern printed box you will find all your favorite candy, snacks, and chocolate, including Halloween size Lays potato chips, Humpty Dumpty cheese sticks, 5 Fruity Tootsie Rolls, 2 Twizzlers, 1 Snickers, 1 Twix, 1 M & M's, 4 Sour Patch single assortments, 2 Nerds, 1 Swedish Berries and 1 Fuzzy Peaches. Let someone special know you are thinking of them this Halloween with a fun Canadian gift basket delivered right to their door from Gift Baskets 4U.
This fun Halloween gift basket is perfect for kids and for the young at heart. Our Halloween pumpkin treat box is overflowing with everyone's favorite candies and sweets, including caramel popcorn, Skittles, 2 Nerds, 3 Rockets, 3 licorice, 3 Laffy Taffy, 4 Starburst, 3 Halloween suckers, a Halloween treat ( pencil, straw, or reflector), and 2 old fashioned rock candy sticks.
Send a sweet Halloween surprise right to their door with a Canadian-made gift basket from Gift Baskets 4U.
The classic candy basket carefully arranged in a bright, festive gift basket! Inside you will find Gobstoppers, Runts, a Toblerone bar, Sweetarts, Wonka Bottlecaps, Necco wafers, KitKat chunky, Mars, Aero, Reese’s minis, Dots, Pringles, Nerds, Laffy Taffy, Good & Plenty, Razzles, Starburst, 2 lollipops and candy popcorn in a fun reusable gift basket with side handles.